Are you at 40% of your annual giving goal yet?
You should be. Welcome to October! December 31st is just homecoming, fall break and two major holidays away.
By December 31st, you should have at least 60% of your annual giving goal in hand. If you are not on track to do this (and be honest about your analysis), don’t panic.
Here's what you need to do:
Stop using your major gifts officers and vice president for advancement as overpaid parking lot attendants at fall campus events. If you can’t afford to train work-study students to greet and direct traffic, you really can’t afford to lose the revenue you’re missing out on with sidelined solicitors.
Sort a list of donors, who gave before December 31st last year but haven’t given this year, by gift amount: Largest to smallest.
Start asking: Begin at the top of that list and work your way down until you have at least 60% of your annual giving goal in hand. As president, personally focus your time on the top 10% of that list.
Don’t deceive yourself. Pull your gifts-to-date numbers today. You need to have at least 40% of your goal banked. If not, get focused.
The deduction deadline isn’t what it used to be for everyone, but December 31st is still important to donors who can afford to make or break your annual giving goal. Set aside, for now, your “someday maybe” prospect plans and re-up your faithful donors so you can truly give thanks in November and relax in December.
If you’re not going to make 60% by the end of the calendar year, call me.
Either way, Download: 3 Things Every College President Should Know About Fundraising